• Professional cleanings performed by our Registered Dental Hygienists form the foundation for preventing gum disease and tooth decay. In a professional cleaning, your hygienist will:

    • Remove plaque from the teeth (plaque is a sticky substance that forms in the mouth from food, saliva, and bacteria. Plaque sticks to teeth and causes tooth decay and gum disease).

    • Remove calculus (tartar) above and below the gum line with scaling and root planning (calculus is plaque that has hardened on the tooth surface and is difficult to remove).

    • Polish and remove stains from the teeth.

    Dental examinations help to diagnose disease before it becomes hazardous to your health. In addition, regular examinations can save you money by alleviating problems while they are still small and before they become expensive to repair, or in some cases, impossible to repair. Your dental examinations generally include the following:

    • Oral cancer screening using the VELscope.

    • Gum disease evaluation.

    • Visual examination of tooth decay.

    • Examination of diagnostic x-rays to see cysts, tumors, decay, and other problems which cannot be seen by visual exam.

    • Evaluation of the status of current restorations (fillings, crowns).

    We cannot stress enough how important it is to see your dentist regularly. Remember, preventing disease is always better than treating disease.

  • Inside each tooth is a pulp chamber that contains the nerves and blood supply for the tooth called the pulp. When the pulp becomes infected due to deep decay or injury to the tooth, the pulp must be removed from the center of the tooth and the canals of each root. Once the infected pulp is removed, the remaining chamber is filled with a rubber-based material to seal it.

    All teeth that have had root canal therapy must be protected with a crown (see crown section) and post for retention. This is because teeth which have had the pulp removed are more brittle and thus, more susceptible to fracture.

  • A composite filling is a tooth-coloured quartz-like material. After tooth decay is removed and cleaned, this tooth-coloured material is layered into the tooth. Each layer is hardened or cured with highly intensive visible light and the final surface is shaped and polished to match the tooth. The final restoration blends with the natural tooth surface. Dr. Bobanovic will discuss appropriate uses for this type of filling and alternatives if necessary.

  • Gum disease (periodontal disease) is responsible for about 70% of adult tooth loss. It is characterized by swollen, inflamed gums surrounding the teeth. Plaque, a sticky substance that forms in the mouth from food, saliva, and bacteria gets inside the space between the gum line and the tooth. If not removed by proper brushing and flossing, plaque hardens into a substance called calculus (tartar) which is difficult to remove other than by professional cleanings. Eventually, the plaque and tartar will eat away at the fibers that hold the gums to the teeth, creating deep pockets. As bacteria spread, the pockets become deeper until the bacteria finally eat away at the bone that holds the tooth in place. This will cause the tooth to loosen and may eventually require removal.

    Gum disease is diagnosed through a process that measures the depth of the pockets around each tooth. Pockets that are greater than 3 to 4 millimeters in depth are considered hazardous to the future of the tooth if left untreated.

    Gum disease is treated by carefully removing the bacteria and substances that form in the pockets around the teeth. The removal of this bacteria usually requires several visits to our office, and once the bacteria have been removed, the pockets must be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis by our dental hygienists as the bacteria will continually return. We personalize everyone’s cleaning schedule based on the need and extent of gum disease. Therefore, some people require cleanings only every six or nine months, whereas other individuals may require cleanings every three or four months. Your hygienist and Dr. Bobanovic will discuss with you the frequency required for your cleanings and the reasons why.

  • A bridge is a single appliance that is generally attached to two teeth on each side of the space where a tooth is missing. An artificial tooth attached in the middle of the bridge fills in the gap where the missing tooth was. The teeth on either side of the gap are prepared for crowns (see above) and a highly accurate impression or mold is made of the prepared areas. The mold is used to create a gold or porcelain bridge by specialized technicians at a dental laboratory. The bridge is cemented onto the prepared surfaces of the teeth approximately one week later, effectively creating the appearance of a “new” tooth.

    Unlike dentures, a fixed bridge is never removed. It is stable in the mouth and works very similarly to natural teeth. By filling the gap and stopping the movement of other teeth, a fixed bridge is an excellent investment, providing better chewing ability and aesthetics where teeth are missing.

  • A crown (often called a cap) covers the tooth and restores it to its original shape and size. Decay is removed and cleaned from the tooth and a highly accurate impression or mold is made of the prepared surface. This mold is sent to a special laboratory where trained technicians create a model of the tooth that will create a gold or porcelain (tooth-coloured) crown. The crown is then cemented onto the prepared surface of the tooth approximately one week after the initial appointment.

    Crowns are incredibly strong due to the fact that they are created in a laboratory. This protects and strengthens the remaining tooth structure. Crowns are indicated in severely compromised teeth due to decay, large old fillings, or tooth breakage. They should ideally be placed before the tooth is so decayed that it may fracture which can often help prevent the expense of root canal therapy in the future. It can also prevent the possibility that a fractured tooth may need to be removed, requiring the expense of a bridge or implant to replace the missing tooth.

  • A porcelain laminate or veneer is a thin shell of porcelain that covers the front of each tooth. They bond directly to the front surface of the tooth, similar to the way artificial nails are bonded to the front surface of the nail. Very little tooth reduction is necessary to bond veneers. They can be used to restore aging teeth which are worn down, closed spaces, tooth discoloration, and minor crowding issues. Veneers are a durable and long-lasting cosmetic treatment that can dramatically improve your appearance.

  • Plastic whitening trays will be made from models of your teeth. You will then place a special whitening gel in each tray and wear them in your mouth for several hours per day. Many patients wear their trays overnight. A significant change in tooth colour is usually seen in just four to ten days.

    Alternatively, for a faster result, the bleaching process can be done in the office by Dr. Bobanovic. A plastic protective “dam” is painted on your gums and a concentrated bleaching solution is placed on your teeth. Finally, a highly intensive visible light is placed close to the teeth for 2 consecutive treatments of ½ hour each.

    Both procedures produce virtually the same results. The difference is the cost and patient compliance.

  • This type of tooth replacement involves the placing of a titanium metal root within the bone. This artificial root is allowed to integrate into the bone for a number of weeks before a crown or bridge is attached to it. During the healing phase, a temporary denture restores your smile. The success rate for implants can be as high as 95%.

    Note: **Dr. Bobanovic does not perform implants at this time and will refer patients to the appropriate specialist for treatment.

  • Dentures replace missing teeth. They can be full (whole arch or whole mouth) or partial (replacing one or several teeth). All dentures are removable and have a tendency to move. To achieve stability, partial dentures use clasps or hooks to attach to natural teeth. Both partial dentures and complete dentures can be made to appear quite natural using the latest artificial teeth and acrylics.

  • Botox is the #1 non-surgical cosmetic procedure in North America and has also been used therapeutically to treat muscle-related disorders for over 20 years. It is a purified protein derived from Clostridium botulinum toxin type A, which when injected, binds to local nerve endings in the immediate area and inhibits the release of a neurotransmitter, thereby blocking the message from the nerve to the muscle. This muscle then relaxes if it receives no message from a nerve. In dental practice, it is used to alleviate bruxism (tooth grinding) and its associated symptoms.